A vertebra can become misaligned and rest on the bone below it, resulting in this disease. Spondylolysis may result in spondylolisthesis if the sliding is brought on by a stress fracture. Or a degenerative condition could cause the vertebra to move out of position. The facet joints (the two rear portions of each vertebrae that connect the vertebrae together) and the discs between the vertebrae can become worn out. The facet joints' bone actually regrows and overgrows, creating an uneven and unsteady surface that reduces the vertebrae's ability to maintain its position. Whatever the source, when a vertebra falls out of position, the bone below it is put under strain. Spondylolisthesis is typically asymptomatic. Compression or "pinching" of the nerve roots that leave the spinal canal may potentially be the source of leg pain (the tunnel created by the interlocking vertebrae of the spine). The vertebrae falling out of place and constricting the space required for the nerves is what causes the compression or pinching.